Registration + Admissions

Prospective Families
Families are an important part of our school. Meaningful communication between home and school contributes to the quality of a child’s preschool experience.
We encourage and enjoy parent participation in a variety of ways such as:
Classroom volunteers
Sharing talents, hobbies, family and cultural traditions
Open Houses
Parent meetings and Coffee Hours
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Yearly program evaluations
Program Goals
Our preschoolers will see themselves as learners
Will have a sense of responsibility to themselves and others
Will function effectively as individuals and as a member of a group
Financial aid for tuition is available by submitting an application to The New Nursery School Board by June 1st of the enrollment year. Please contact the Director. All applications are confidential.
Applicants will be notified by the end of June.
For more information, please email us -
Our Admissions Policy
Applications are accepted from the presently enrolled students, siblings of present and former students, and UCC Norwell church members. Current students are placed first, followed by siblings, church members, and alumni families on a first come first serve basis. Enrollment is then opened up to the general public. These children are placed in program openings on a first-come, first-serve basis until classes are full. A wait list will be complied at that time. These children will be placed if and when an opening appears.
*It is important to give your first and second choice on your application forms.
A non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 is due at the time of registration. Brightwheel will be used for tuition payments.
Financial aid is available for PreK children. Aid information can be obtained through the Director.
All applications are confidential.